There are many brands of lawn sprinkler systems out there and none are as good as the Rain Bird 5000 series.

I have been a lawn freak for most of my life. I have owned more than a few homes in my life and spent most of my time making the yards look fantastic. To me life centres around a beautiful lawn. As a child I loved playing in the grass and remember it being fluffy and soft. When I was bouncing around on it with my kid brother and German Shepherd dog at the age of 9 it was like a huge green mattress out on the acreage that I still miss to this day. And then the green stains that this healthy earth product left on my blue jeans was so hard to get out but I can still remember that sweet smell of fresh green grass.

Maybe this is the reason I still love grass so much. I love it so much that I will do almost anything to have the perfect lawn. Ask my relatives and even my children and they will tell you the same thing. In fact I can have the most beautiful home and the nicest work shop or 3 car garage and that will be invisible to me or almost of no value if my lawn which fills in the blanks around it is dead looking or simply not perfect.

My wife can have the perfect flower gardens and trimmed shrubs and hedges along the winding driveway or Apple trees dripping with huge crispy fruit-age and that would simply be completely unappealing without a perfect lawn.

Ya see the lawn makes everything else beautiful. I recently showed off the perfect lawn and give all due credit to not myself but the rain bird 5000 sprinkler system I had installed in my yard a few years earlier.

As a child my father would make me and my brother drag around a section of sprinklers that were attached to a 3 inch plastic hose connected to a pump which pumped water from a river that flowed past our home. The section was so heavy and not fun to manueaver. And worse yet it never covered all the areas of the lawn spaces we were trying to water. This system does..

In my most recent yard project where I had the most awesome grass I had installed the rain bird 5000 system. I must say I miss that lawn but made a huge profit when we sold that home. I really sold the lawn and not everything else that was placed in and around it.

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